You go ahead and hang onto those US$ the politicians are creating trillions of out of thin air--funding their extravagance by matching debt.
"How on earth are they ever going to pay that back?" some ask, while others scoff and say it doesn't matter because the politicians are all-powerful, like gods.
Yes, they are like gods because they control the US$, and the way they'll pay back their enormous debt is to debase those dollars. And when people complain about fuel rising from $3/gal to $300/gal, the politicians will blame it on "greedy capitalists".
Who know where that will lead? Maybe a socialist utopia, like in Venezuela, whose Bolivars provide us with a nice foretaste of what our debased currency will look like.
Meanwhile, I'll have BTC, which cannot, by design, ever exceed 21 million units. As your US$ goes in the toilet, my BTC will still have the value derived by its enforced scarcity.
See ya around campus! (But, no, I don't have any spare change, and would you mind moving that shopping cart out of the way?)