Why are there separate restrooms at all? I can’t recall when I ever saw a guy’s wiener in a restroom, although I suppose I did at one time or another. Maybe when I was a teenager I peeked over to see if theirs was bigger than mine. Mostly, you stand at your urinal and get your job done, they stand at theirs and do theirs. For the vaginally-oriented, don’t they all go in stalls? So what’s the big deal?
But to take the matter a step further, what if I did see a pussy or tits (do they get their tits out in restrooms? Why? People live in harmony and safety at nudist camps … I don’t recall hearing or reading anything about people running amok and committing sexual aggressions in nudist camps because they saw people’s naughty parts, so it’s pretty obvious the thing about clothing is only a cultural fetish. How about if we just got over it?
All those men/women restrooms could be re-designated as unisex, and finally women would have equal access to places to pee during intermissions at concerts.
But don’t listen to me, I’m just a nutty old guy.