This is some very important work you’re doing here … as I think you know, or you wouldn’t be doing it.
I wish you would heed the advice you gave your readers several months ago, the one about reaching across political boundaries to gather support for an issue that transcends those boundaries. This article does that. It stays focused on the essence of the problem … the propaganda prison maintained by the warmongering establishment media. A huge segment of the population understands this, including (probably) most of the Trumpists. Con men sense what their marks want to hear, and they tell it to them to move their game along. Trump picked up the widespread disbelief in the MSM, and he played it successfully. So, clearly, many, many people are ready to listen to what you are saying too.
But all too often you mix your important message about the imperialist oligarchy and its propaganda machine with remarks intended to promote your socialist agenda. This unfortunately limits the reach of your more important message.
For another example, the U.S. Libertarian Party has a platform that agrees with your essential message, but when you mix in your pet socialist ideas, you turn away many potential allies.
Thanks for doing what you’re doing. I hope you’ll keep it up and strengthen it.