There is only one monopoly on earth: nation-states, which kill and kidnap those who resist what they're "selling".
The so-called "monopolies" all began by providing what people wanted, not by threatening them with guns, and the frightening market power achieved by some of them is always, upon close examination, a by-product of their collusion with the real nation-state monopolies.
The only way to get rid of monopolies is not to have nation-states use their guns to attack the commercial monopolies they empowered. Rather, we need to dig up the root.
Nation-states are a relic from the legacies of tyrants stretching back to the dawn of civilization. We are now at a unique point in history where technology has brought us the means to drive stakes in their hearts.
This happens for an unexpected reason and in an unexpected way in my novel "The Dropouts". The result is a flourishing of human achievement never seen in all of human history.