Sounds like you’re talking to your own echo chamber.
You say, “So this can’t entirely be left to the private sector.”
Really? And why is that? Is it because government has proven itself to be so wonderfully efficient at creating solutions and so adept at distributing things where they’re needed most?
Apparently this is what you believe, because you didn’t even attempt to make a case for your conclusion before blurting it out … as if everyone knows it’s true.
Well, sorry, pal. Some of us base our conclusions on evidence and see, over and over again, that the most efficient and reliable way to distribute anything is to leave it to voluntary, non-coercive markets. And that the only way government ever produces anything is by relying on that dreaded, despised “private sector.”
No need to put your tail between your legs, though. You were no doubt thoroughly indoctrinated by the government school system, whose politician-approved curriculum drummed into your head that the nation-state is the salvation of all humankind.
So it’s not your fault. Hold your head up high, but do take a look around, because all is not lost. Maybe this crisis will be a wake up call, and people will rise up and throw off the shackles they’ve allowed themselves to be bound up in.
Just imagine what could be achieved if people were allowed to act freely, peacefully on their own without the heavy-handed diktats of the political class. (Your imagination will have to extend outside what you learned in school, of course.)