Paul Davis
2 min readAug 11, 2018


Sorry, but I lost the logic there. You’re saying the reason Trump got elected and was able to roll out his corruption machine is because the U.S. Federal government is too weak? We need even more Federal agencies involved in even more facets of our private lives, giving even more power to the Executive branch?

Doesn’t the proliferation of rulemaking by unelected bureaucrats make the Executive branch a magnet to those who have the will and the savvy to use corruption to gain advantage over honest, hard-working people?

What if the Congress rescinded the Authorization of Use of Military Force (AUMF) and retook its Constitutional mandate to be the sole entity that could authorize U.S. military action overseas? What if Congress required Federal agencies to get their approval before spewing out regulations about such things as the amount of water in your toilet bowl? What if the FDA were made advisory only, giving people the choice to use or not use drugs that might save their lives … even before they had passed a multi-billion dollar testing regime? What if the DEA were abolished and all drugs were made legal again, causing the collapse of the drug underworld and the restoration of the Bill of Rights?

What if the Executive branch was returned to just that: the branch that carried out the wishes of those elected to represent the people? Wouldn’t the shrunken Executive branch become a far less attractive target for those who use corruption as their shortcut to wealth and power?

I dunno, the title of your article seems to falsify what you say later on … or vice versa.



Paul Davis

Nomadic writer, realist, voluntaryist, nudist, singer, drummer, harmonica and recorder player, composer, gadfly, runner, troublemaker, survivor so far.