Quite a few years ago, when I first became acquainted with NdT’s work, and before I knew he had (oh horrors!) dark skin, I sent an email question in response to something he wrote. Not that I expected him to reply because he was, after all, big-time and I was just Joe Schmuck, but just, you know, in case maybe.
Much to my surprise and delight, he did ACTUALLY ANSWER ME! I don’t remember now what my stupid question was, but I remember he gave me a thoughtful, serious answer, and I thought to myself, “Now there’s a guy with class!”
So you can imagine that if I had read a Wired article putting him down, I would have interpreted it as a self-put-down. (Why is Wired still around? Didn’t they discredit themselves sufficiently with that scandal about plagiarism or incorrect facts or whatever it was? Why are they still in business?)
What does this have to do with racism? Uh, nothing. I get the point about the racism, and I totally agree. I just wanted to point out that NdT was a cool guy when his skin color didn’t matter, and he forever has my respect, not just for what he has achieved and is achieving, but for taking the time and trouble to answer my dumb question.