Nice rant. Sorry your FB account got nixed, but then again, is that a bad thing? I mean, Facebook? Ew!
But anyway, I think you’ve taken a bite into a bigger subject than male chauvinism, although it’s a great place to start the feeding. The bigger issue is the general idea that any body parts are taboo and thus must be hidden. You have to hide your tits and nipples, I have to hide my cock and balls. Why?
I don’t consider my cock and balls to be particularly extraordinary, just as I think my fingers and elbows are pretty regular. Who made up the rule that I can show my elbows and fingers but not my cock and balls? It’s all me. I didn’t ask to be me, I just sort of appeared, and when I started feeling around it turned out that I had a cock and balls. Now I’m supposed to be ashamed and hide them?
You start talking to people, the answer usually runs along the lines of how it would be disruptive if people were naked. Because why? It would be disruptive because people have been taught to be disrupted! Ever been to a nudist place? Everybody should: big discovery … it’s not disruptive to be naked! People are just going around doing who they would do with clothes on. What is different is people tend to be more honest and open with each other because they are no longer being dishonest at the fundamental, physical level.
When you’re naked you’re saying, “This is who I am.” Conversely, when you’re covering yourself up you’re saying, “This is who I would like you to think I am.” Think about that. We live in a culture that values dishonesty over honesty … to the point where we even make honesty a crime!
Another thing you’ll notice when you’re around naked people is that it isn’t particularly sexy. Seeing pussies and nipples and cocks and balls doesn’t, it turns out, make you want to fuck. Your masturbation fantasies while looking at porn don’t arise (so to speak) from viewing the machinery, they grow out of imagining yourself participating in the sliding games.
Covering up certain body parts gives them a mystery, a cachet they wouldn’t otherwise have. Clothing is, in fact, the most disruptive way of displaying yourself … tantalizing, teasing, “What do you suppose I’m hiding under there, hmm?”
Anyway, don’t get me started, because it’s a favorite rant of mine too.