I’m sitting here reading this while, inside my skull, B.B. King and his band are singing and playing “Why I Sing The Blues.”
This is because a good part of the inside of my head has been hollowed out to become the stage for whatever Pandora delivers digitally through my internet connection to my phone, which is connected via bluetooth to the remote control for my hearing aids.
The aids, the things in my ears are, in turn, connected to the remote control via their own bluetooth connection, making the remote control the nexus of a path for music to flow from their server through my ears to the stage inside my skull.
Music and whatever else happens on my phone. That is to say, everything except life’s basic, physical needs, all of which are taken care of via different technologies.
My left eye, meanwhile, is recovering from surgery to remove a cataract and replace it with a plastic lens that, in my experience from having had this done 15 years ago to the other eye, is at least as good as the old, biological one.
And I have to ask, “How much of me is biological any more, and how much is data?”